Bukit Timah Link
Bukit Timah Ave Residences Developer
Bukit Timah Ave Residences is an upcoming condominium development, with the estimated area of 3.21 and gross plot of 3.0 including about 845 residential units, bukit timah ave promises to be one of the outstanding projects in the area. The condominium is expected to be developed by one of the prestige and prominent developers in Singapore. With special design as well as abundant internal facilities, Bukit Timah Ave wishes residents to have a fancy and comfortable life. Because of the project's prime location in District 10 as well as other facilities, Bukit Timah Ave Residences promises to offer the developer's attractive price that is suitable for the budgets of investors as well as home-seekers. Bukit Timah Ave Condo Developer information is coming soon. Don't forget to follow the website to get more news.
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